Mittwoch, 17. September 2008

Wunderschöne Post von Rach

Heute durfte ich diese wunderschöne Karte von Rach aus meinem Briefkasten holen. Ich bin total begeistert, auch hier nochmal vielen Dank liebe Rach.
Hi Rach, many thanks for the wonderful card!

4 Kommentare:

Tori Wild hat gesagt…

Such Cute stuff on your blog-- I don't speak German, but your cards are wonderful! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog!

Nikki Fairbairn hat gesagt…

Beautiful card Andrea, the little mouse is so cute. Hugs Nikki x

carolann hat gesagt…

Wow this is awesome the colours are brilliant great image too hun well done (clapping)xxx

Rach hat gesagt…

hi Andrea.
only just found your blog...I am going to add it to the blogs i follow. glad that the card arrived with you safe and sound. hugs rachxx